
and grass


and grass发音




cane grass───n.藤草

hand glass───放大镜

hard grass───硬性禾本科植物,硬质禾草

yard grass───蟋蟀草

Means grass───意思是草

land grants───政府赠地;政府拨给大学或铁路之土地

mondo grass───世界草

panic grass───恐慌草

barn grass───谷仓草


All the tree leaves, the flower leavesand grassleaves get very green and very clean.───所有的树叶、花叶和草叶变得特别绿,特别干净。

Treesand grasswithered up.───草木枯槁。

A large hall came next, with a beautiful stone floorand grassgrowing in the crevices.───接着是一个大厅,铺着漂亮的石头地板,缝隙里长着杂草。

It occurred to me that cleared of its ramshackle fences and planted with flowersand grass, it might form a pleasant park.───我不由得想到要是把东倒西歪的栅栏拆除,再栽上花卉草木,这地方倒满可以开辟成一座赏心悦目的公园呢。

How, just a few days, it was weedand grass.───怎么,短短的几天,心里便野草丛生。

Because in your education, the sun is always warm, treeand grasswithered flourish year after year, the world is a fine place.───因为在你接受的教育中,太阳永远是温暖的,树和草儿一年年枯了又荣,世界是美好的。

Therefore, tree plantingand grassgrowing in semi-arid area maybe reduce runoff, meanwhile, improve monthly runoff distribution in a year.───因此,在半干旱地区植树种草一是减少产流量,二是能够提高径流年内分配的均匀性。

Our house would be white with trees around it, a great big yardand grassgrowing without a fence.───我们的房子会是白色的,有很多树环绕,有个大院子,没有篱笆,草自由的生长。

Also, ethanol fuel can be produced from treesand grass(cellulosic biomass), referred to as bio-ethanol.───乙醇同样也可以产自树木以及草本植物(细胞膜的生物量),我们通常称之为生物乙醇。


Even if the whole farm-very treeand grassblade of it dies.

He could subsist on barkand grassroots in the isolated island.

Others carried head-bundles of leavesand grassfor the sheep and goats now penned behind thorn fences beside the houses.

Twigs, leavesand grassare standard fare.

There was a square with treesand grassin it in the center of the city.

They are made up of chopped leavesand grasscuttings.

There was a scent of wild flowersand grasscooling after a hot day.

Treesand grassglittered with dew.

The animals are fed with hayand grass.



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