
play them


play them发音




play chess───下棋

play the game───玩游戏;行动光明正大;遵守比赛规则

head them───给他们带头

play clothes───n.游乐装;轻便装

play hell───去死吧

play hob───玩滚刀

play therapy───[心理]游戏疗法


play the fool───v.扮丑角;演滑稽角色;干蠢事


In dreamland weplay themin the final.───在幻想世界中我们同他们在决赛中对阵。

They're not doctors, but theyplay themon TV.───他们不是医生,但他们在电视上演绎的医生很真实。

the family that allowed me toplay them, the Tuohy family.───允许我扮演她们的那个家庭——图伊一家。

All you needed was a bit of imagination and a fair dose of optimism toplay themforward.───只需一些想象和适度的乐观,你就能做出预测。

I had to admit that although we used to play games once a week (or more! ), we're now lucky toplay themonce a year.───我得承认尽管我习惯每周玩一次游戏(或者更多),但我们也很幸运—现在一年玩一次了。

At this point, the player can play special cards and capture a pair of terrorists from the same group (play themin front of them).───此时,玩家可以发挥特殊的卡和捕获的恐怖分子来自同一组(一对在他们面前发挥它们)。

You canplay themfor minutes at a time and invest as little or as much time as you want.───你可以一次只消遣几分钟,或者随便玩多长时间都行。

The devices made it easy to record programmes andplay themback, zooming through ads.───这类产品可以轻而易举的录制节目,回放,略过广告。

Not only are they bringing games to DSiWare, de Vallois is going to let meplay them.───deVallois不但要在DSiWare上发行游戏,他还让我进行了试玩。


Louder Reproduction Cylinders were also made in large diameters, with special machines toplay themof course.

Practice the scales until you canplay themsmoothly.

Ask a class to shut their eyes,play thema recording of footsteps and then ask what they have heard.

And the people who canplay themare very clever indeed.

When mining companies and other investors rushed to Kinshasa to seek deals, he tried toplay themoff against each other.

Leeds can usually handle teams who are on a downer when weplay them.

The team is living proof of the old saying that it's not whom you play that counts, but when youplay them.

If you have any requests, I'd be happy toplay themfor you.

In dreamland weplay themin the final.



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