
tractor trailer


tractor trailer发音







tractor driver───拖拉机手

factory trawler───加工拖网渔船,拖网加工船

tractor drive───拖拉机驱动

tractor drivers───拖拉机手

tractor drives───拖拉机驱动

truck trailer───货车挂车

tent trailer───篷式挂车


It is a black six-limbed panther from Hell, the size of a tractor-trailer, with an armored head and a venomous striking tail.───这是一只来自地狱的六肢黑豹,有一辆拖拉机拖车那么大,有一个装甲头和一个有毒的攻击尾巴。

Traffic on I-95 southbound came to a standstill at noon Wednesday when atractor trailerhauling gravel overturned in Wilmington, Del.───星期三中午特拉华州威尔明顿的一辆运载沙石的拖车翻倒令I-95公路南行方向的交通一度陷于停顿。

A rotting tractor - trailer load can hurt your business and endanger its survival.───一卡车的水果都烂掉,那真的是伤害生意,危及生存.

A tractor - trailer caught fire with heavy black smoke billowing into the sky.───从电视上可以看到一辆着火后冒着黑烟的大型拖车,浓烟直冲天上.

The scene around the wrecked tractor - trailer transport looked like a staged disaster for wide screen movie.───那辆出事的牵引拖车周围的光景,就象是专为拍摄宽银幕电影而布置出来的一场灾难.

Tow truck towingtractor trailercab measures a combined length of 14 inches ( 35.6 cm )!───拖车牵引拖拉机驾驶室措施总长度的 35.6 厘米!

The site was now quite deserted, with only onetractor trailerstill parked alongside the truck.───现在四周空荡荡了, 只有一辆手扶拖拉机还停在趴着的汽车旁.

It is a black six-limbed panther from Hell, the size of atractor trailer, with an armored head, a venomous striking tail, and massive distensible armored jaws.───这是一只从地狱来的黑色六肢黑豹,尺寸有拖拉机拖车那么大,长着:披甲的头部,恶毒而引人注目的尾巴,和巨大膨胀的装甲下巴。


It is a black six-limbed panther from Hell, the size of atractor trailer, with an armored head, a venomous striking tail, and massive distensible armored jaws.

Last month in New York state, five girls who had just graduated from high school were killed when their SUV hit atractor trailerand went up in flames.

But last August, after a fruitless, four-year search for a university teaching job, she began a different course of study, at the United Tractor Trailer School in central Massachusetts.

The site was now quite deserted, with only onetractor trailerstill parked alongside the truck.

Tractor trailer wheeled mobile robot system is composed of a tractor and multiple trailers, its motion trajectories are much more complex than that for single body robot.

They had told drivers of 14 civiliantractor trailers carrying supplies to link up with the first convoy.

Last month, a Minnesota teen drove through a stop sign and crashed into atractor trailer, killing himself and leaving his passenger, also a teen, in serious condition.

Traffic on I-95 southbound came to a standstill at noon Wednesday when atractor trailerhauling gravel overturned in Wilmington, Del.

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