
you fire


you fire发音




fox fire───妖狐火焰(动漫);火狐狸(电影名)

log fire───柴火;篝火

on fire───adv.着火;起火;在兴头上;非常激动


to fire───解雇;发射

coal fire───煤火

hold fire───不采取行动;停火

log fires───柴火;篝火

slow fire───文火;慢火;慢射


your arrows the way you want.───自己想要的方式就可以了。

Simply put,you fire, aim, fire.───简单地说,开火,瞄准,开火。

you fireme? What have I done wrong?───你凭什么解雇我?我做错了什么啦?

Ifyou firecontinually with a fast bow, you may find, however that this is enough to keep a monster from moving very far.───但是,如果有一把发射速度很快的弓,你足可限制怪物快速推进。

You fire up your email system first thing on Monday morning to be greeted with hundreds of new messages.───您火起来你的电子邮件系统将首先在周一上午与数百名迎接新讯息。

You're an idiot ifyou fireyour main rainmaker before heading into a recession.───如果你在陷入衰退之前裁掉一位干将,那你就是个白痴。

They're not very accurate, but ifyou fireenough of them, they don't have to be accurate.───它们谈不上有多精确,但如果你十足的发射,那它们就不需要有多准确。

Howyou firean employee sends a powerful message to your remaining staff - either positive or negative.───你如何解雇员工发出了一个强有力的信息,您的其余工作人员-无论是正面还是负面的。

But beforeyou fireoff an angry response, hear me out. The facts might change your view of gold's role in a portfolio.───在你怒不可遏地做出回应之前,请先听我把话讲完。我所陈述的事实也许会改变你对黄金在投资组合中所扮演角色的认识。


I'll get the burgers —you fireup the grill.

Afteryou fire, you just break the damn thing against a tree.

That's the biggest problem with tablets running Windows 7 today — as soon asyou fireup a program all semblance of touch control flies out the window.

His idea was this: Supposeyou firea cannonball vertically upward from the surface of the earth.

For those sixty seconds you are not a legitimate target, nor canyou fireyour own weapon.

They break up with you, fire you, leave you, or humiliate you.

Ifyou fireyour sniper rifle while unscoped, you will notice a significant decrease in accuracy.

Make sure you line up the sights beforeyou firethe gun.

You fire it up just like a normal car, but that's when you realise the Axiam is no ordinary car.



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