
flowers bloom


flowers bloom发音




floor loom───落地织机

flower box───花箱(放在窗边的木制或铁质的养花箱子)

flower moon───花月

lower floor───下层楼

floor looms───落地织机

flower bed───[建]花坛

flower beds───[建]花坛

flower boxes───花箱(放在窗边的木制或铁质的养花箱子)

flower bud───[植]花芽,花蕾


Flowers bloom all over the yard.───朵朵鲜花开满了庭院。

In this season,flowers bloomand birds sing.───在这个时节,鲜花盛开,鸟儿歌唱。

Let a thousandflowers bloom, and see which one wins Dr Venter's Grand Prix.───且让百花争艳,是看谁可以夺取文特尔的国际汽车大奖赛桂冠吧!

I'd love to see theflowers bloomwith you as well.───我还想和你一起去看花开。

Flowers bloom and then fall on the surface of the rippling river, sending out a waft of discernable fragrance.───枣花开了,香甜的小花落满了河面,一股浓郁的幽香自河水中传来。

Perhaps we have had such an agreement: to be turned together to see cirrus clouds, theflowers bloom.───也许我们有过这样的约定:要一起去看云卷云翻,花开花落。

theflowers bloomagain, for a butterfly, time seems to only mean that they would.───花开花落,花落又花开,对于一只蝴蝶来说,时间似乎只意味着这些。

Mouse tucks Bear into bed and says: "Good night, Bear. Sleep tight . I'll wake you up in spring whenflowers bloomand birds sing. "───小老鼠为熊宝宝盖好被子说:“晚安,小熊。睡个好觉。到了花儿绽放鸟儿歌唱的春天,我会叫你起床的。”

Coloredflowers bloom, with a bit naive in the gorgeous, put the water in the reservoir dyed colorful.───各色的花儿竞相开放,朴素中带着几分华丽,把那水库的水都染成了五颜六色的。


Whatflowers bloomin the lunar month?

It is the time when osmanthusflowers bloom.

Whisperingflowers bloomimpermanence, Qu finale Sanqu sometimes both.

When Wen stepped into the campus whereflowers bloomand trees exuberate, the singing and dancing students dressed in national costumes extended warm welcome.

Theseflowers bloomin the spring.

Let a thousandflowers bloomwhile we cultivate and improve our own gardens through such efforts as the Pew group is undertaking.

During the warmth of spring all theflowers bloom.

Theflowers bloomin several shades, especially blue, pink and white.

Let a thousandflowers bloomand all that ... Ten in the morning, and Mary and Reggie were still in bed.



节日贺词 元旦 春节 除夕 元宵 情人节 圣诞 端午 妇女 光棍 感恩 母亲节 父亲节 中秋 重阳 国庆 庆典贺词 结婚贺词 生日贺词 开业贺词 乔迁贺词 升学贺词 对联贺词 英文贺词 其他贺词