做一棵永远成长的苹果树【Be a growing apple tree forever 】


  Apple tree growth, and finally result.

  The first year, which end of the 10 apples, nine were taken away, they receive one. In this regard, apple anyway, so cut off its own channel, refused to grow up. The following year, the end of its five apples, four were taken away, they receive one. "Ha ha, I was given last year by 10%, 20% this year! Doubled." Psychological balance of the apple tree.

  However, it can do: continue to grow. For example, the second year, which end of the 100 fruit, 90 were taken away, they receive 10.

  It may well be that it was taken away 99, they receive one. However, It does not matter, it can continue to grow and fruit year end 1000 ... ...

  In fact, how much fruit is not the most important. Most importantly, the apple trees grow! Such as apple trees grow into giant trees, when those who have hindered the growth of the power it will be weak to be negligible. Really, do not care too much fruit, growth is most important.







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