The hard-warking little red hen(勤劳的小红母鸡)




  Once upon a time there was a little red hen. She lived with a pig, a duck and a cat.


  They all lived in a pretty little house which the little red hen liked to keep clean and tidy. The little red hen worked hard at her jobs all


  The others never helped. Although they said they meant to, they were all far too lazy. The pig liked to grunt in the mud outside, the duck used to swim in the pond all day, and the cat enjoyed lying in the sun, purring.


  One day the little red hen was working in the garden when she found a grain of corn


  "Who will plant this grain of corn?" she

  “谁来种这粒玉米种子?”她问道 。

  "Not I," grunted the pig from his muddy patch in the garden.


  "Not I," quacked the duck from her pond.


  "Not I," purred the cat from his place in the sun.


  So the little red hen went to look for a nice bit of earth, scratched it with her feet and planted the grain of corn.


  During the summer the grain of corn grew. First it grew into a tall green stalk, then it ripened in the sun until it had turned a lovely golden colour. The little red hen saw that the corn was ready for cutting.



The hard-warking little red hen(勤劳的小红母鸡)

  "Who will help me cut the corn?" asked the little red


  "Not I," grunted the pig from his muddy patch in the garden.


  "Not I," quacked the duck from her pond.


  "Not I," purred the cat from his place in the sun.


  "Very well then, I will cut it myself," said the little red hen. Carefully she cut the stalk and took out all the grains of corn from the husks.


  "Who will take the corn to the mill, so that it can be ground into flour?" asked the little red hen.


  "Not I," grunted the pig from his muddy patch in the


  "Not I," quacked the duck from her pond.


  "Not I," purred the cat from his place in the sun.


  So the little red hen took the corn to the mill herself, and asked the miller if he would be so kind as to grind it into flour.



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